Who are we?
We are a friendly and dedicated team of staff who will support you to succeed during your time with us at The College.

Who do we help?
We support any learner who requires additional learning support
- Full and part time students
- HE students
- Apprentices
- Students whose first language is not English
- Students with an EHCP
- Students with an additional learning need or disability

What support do we offer?
- Support in your exams
- Support in class
- Support in our study centres
- 1:1 or small group workshops
- Support with Assistive Technology
- Loan of resources and equipment
- Quiet study space
- Sensory room
- Lunch club

Where to get support?
North Road
- Room 122 (back of library)
- 01202 205956
- Room 91-94
- 01202 205359
- Or email us at:
- learningsupport@bpc.ac.uk

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