We all need someone to talk to, to offer support and guidance throughout our lives. A healthy relationship should be equal and consist of trust, respect, honesty, equality and communication. It is important to remember that a healthy relationship consists of everyone being themselves and not changing their identity to fit in with the crowd.
If you feel you are finding it difficult to form healthy relationships, the Wellbeing team at The College can offer advice and guidance. It is important to remember that a healthy relationship consists of each person being “who they are” and not changing their looks, hobbies or beliefs to fit in with others.
Relationships Toolkit
We’re the UK’s largest provider of relationship support, and every year we help over a million people of all ages, backgrounds and sexual orientations to strengthen their relationships. Our services include relationship counselling for individuals and couples, family counselling, mediation, children and young people’s counselling and sex therapy. We also provide friendly and informal workshops for people at important stages in their relationships.
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Over The Rainbow
Our counselling service is also available for you to discuss problems in a safe, confidential space with a qualified, professional counsellor, helping you to see things from a different perspective, think and act more productively and feel more confident in yourself. We work closely with local drug and alcohol agencies if you feel you need a referral to a specialist service.
We would like to empower and support you to take care of yourself as a whole, to educate you and provide easy access to condoms and lube, reducing the risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection. We’re here to provide advice, support and information for a healthier community.